Channeling stocks are stocks that trade within a certain range between high and low price points for a period of time and may become predictable over time. provides stock charts each week for our members. Our service monitors stocks and identifies those that trade in a channel. We provide a series of these channeling stocks each week for our members. Instead of the old stock market theory of buy and hold, we see an opportunity to buy and sell the same stock over and over again.
We found this stock for our subscribers, and it rose over 57% from our December 26th picks! That represents a fantastic opportunity for any investor who chosen to add this to their portfolio to realize a great return on their investment dollar. Subscribe today!
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No matter what the overall market condition is – we will ALWAYS find you stocks in a channeling pattern. For over 25 years we have been a trusted partner for our Members locating stocks just these. How about you? No need to wait any longer – sign up today and don’t let the next one pass you by.
“Since I signed up with you folks I have had 23 wins with only one loss paper trading!! I think I’m ready!!! Thanks a bunch!!
Channeling Stocks have a very clear and identifiable historical pattern. Stocks that Channel up and down in repeated waves. Notice in the example how the price Channels from $3.25 to $4.10 per share. Where would you think the price is going next?
These waves may become predictable. If you answered that the price is probably going to go up, you understand the very basic strategy of Channeling Stocks. Look at the chart below and see what actually happened to the price of WNI when we add another 8 days worth of data.
The USA, Short/Put & Canada Channeling service subscription fees are $14.98 every 30 days; $34.98 every 90 days; or $114.95 annually; or Lifetime Membership $349.50.
Yes, we do offer a free two-week trial. ( NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED ) Click on the Subscribe link tat the top of the page to get your free trial.
The complete terms can be found in paragraph 3 of the disclaimer statement.
We do not offer refunds on monthly, quarterly, yearly or on Life Time Membership subscriptions.
We do not give “buy” and “sell” prices.
We are strictly a research firm that provides a listing of stocks in an active channeling pattern for our customers.